(631) 337-3625
Medicare Agent Ronkonkoma, NY
If you live in Ronkonkoma, NY and are in need of a full service Medicare Agent who is knowledgeable about the plans available in your area, look no further!
Original Medicare
Part A (Hospital) covers hospital stays and inpatient services. Part B (Medical) covers doctor visits, some vaccines and medications and more. It's important to know that not everything is covered the same and there are out-of-pocket expenses to prepare for.
Medicare Supplements & Part D Ronkonkoma, NY
Medicare Supplements (Medigap) are standardized insurance plans offered by private companies, that help cover the out-of-pocket expenses of Original Medicare. You must also enroll in a stand-alone prescription drug plan.
Medicare Advantage Ronkonkoma, NY
Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) are private insurance plans, generally an HMO or PPO, that takes over your healthcare for Part A, Part B and most include Part D. Some may offer extra benefits like dental, vision, and hearing.